Tony W (Cambridge Delta) 「トニー・W」
Hello there!
I was born in London and grew up in the South East of England. I have lived and worked in many places including Singapore, Sydney, Hong Kong and Tokyo. Since 2010, I have lived in Nishinomiya with my wife.
Before I became an English teacher, I had a long and successful career in investment banking but I decided to leave banking and become a teacher in 2010. I then took my Celta certificate at the British Council in Singapore. Last year I completed my Cambridge Delta qualification. I have worked at UKPLUS Osaka since it opened in 2010 and am enjoying my second career very much.
I have a relaxed teaching style which is always student-centred. I love the variety of people that we meet in our classrooms and I love helping people to develop their language skills and meet their personal and professional goals.
In my free time I used to play a lot of football but these days I enjoy travelling to new places in Japan, reading and listening to music. I enjoy looking around antique shops for interesting objects and I’m also interested in the origin of English words.
I believe that reading books can really help your language learning. You can learn new vocabulary, notice the grammar of English and even improve your spelling. Reading books is a great way to pass the time on your train journey every day!
— Tony W.
前職では長く投資銀行に勤めていて順調にキャリアを積んできましたが、2010年に銀行を退社して英語教師になろうと決めました。その後はシンガポールのブリティッシュカウンシルでケンブリッジCelta[英国ケンブリッジ大学認定の英語教授資格]を取得し、昨年にはその上級資格であるDeltaを取得しました。UK PLUS Osakaでは2010年の開校からずっと教えていて、私はこの第二のキャリアをとてもエンジョイしています。