UKPLUS NEWS WK38: イギリスのジャック・ラッセル・テリアってどんな犬?
The first Jack Russell was from Devon in the South West of England around 200 years ago. The first Jack Russell terrier was called Trump! How unbelievable is that? The first man to breed Jack Russells was a church man called Reverend Russell, which is how they got their name!
Personal Information and Character
The Jack Russell terrier is a happy, energetic dog with a strong desire to work. Thus breed is most happy with good friends and a job to do. Jack Russells love working, especially digging holes!
The Jack Russell Terrier is a small dog who thinks it is a big dog and has a very big attitude! This breed’s roots are in fox hunting and using its small size to its advantage.
*Measures between 25-40 cm tall
*Weighs between 6-8kg
*A thick double coat which serves as protection
*Generally white with brown and black spots
:Cute triangular ears
*Lovely, almond-shaped eyes that shine with life and excitement
*The average lifespan is around fifteen years
Jack Russell Terriers are hunting dogs by nature, so they enjoy running and chasing. As a result, a Jack Russell is a high energy dog and needs lots of execise and stimulation. Without enough activity, they are likely to destroy property and terrorise other household pets (and children).
The high energy level of the Jack Russell Terrier is a good fit for athletic individuals who are looking for a dog that can keep up with them. They love outdoor games.
This well-loved dog breed is also known for its high intelligence and often used in Hollywood films and commercials due to its high trainability. Unfortunately, as traditional working dogs, they are also prone to barking and making noise to gain the attention of its master and frighten foxes and badgers.
We think that the Jack Russell terrier is a perfect mascot for our school! We hope You do too! 😉
Can you find any Jack Russells in this great article on our four-legged friends?
Jack Russells and their owners
Ranulph and Ginny Fiennesは冒険家のカップルで Bothy は南極と北極の両方を歩いた最初の犬です。
Uggieは映画The Artist でメインキャラクターの愛犬ジャックを演じ、映画は見事オスカーに選ばれました。
2匹の名前はBeth とBluebell
8 famous Jack Russell terriers (and their owners)
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