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UKPLUS NEWS WK34 マスコットのPukkaに聞いてみよう!




Pukkaに聞いてみよう マスコット UKPLUS Osaka


UKPLUS Osakaはレッスンのアクティビティーの一環でPukkaに彼の人生について聞きたい事を書いてもらいました。


UKPLUS Osaka question マスコット Pukka

UKPLUS: Where are you from?

Pukka: Well, I was born on a cargo ship sailing from London to Sri Lanka. My mum and dad were old sea dogs.


UKPLUS: Do you have a family?

Pukka: Like most dogs, I didn’t stay with my mum and dad for long after I was born. My family now is UKPLUS


UKPLUS: How did you get your name?

Pukka: A lovely old English man who worked in the kitchen on the ship found me and looked after me. He called me a ‘Pukka little puppy’. He used to feed me every day with food from the kitchen. I often wonder what happened to him.


UKPLUS: What’s your favourite food?

Pukka: I love lots of different fruits, especially dorian, which I first ate when I was a little puppy on the boat from England. I really like tuna (maguro) but actually my favourite food is a pukka Sri Lankan chicken curry.

Pukka 好物 マグロ カレー ドリアン



UKPLUS: How did you come to Japan?

Pukka: In Sri Lanka, I got on the wrong ship. And then I arrived in Osaka a few weeks later. The captain found me and when I told him I was from England he brought me to UKPLUS. He was a very kind man and because I couldn’t speak Japanese, he was worried about me. I was very lucky.


UKPLUS: How old are you?

Pukka: I am nearly 3, so about 14 in human years*

*(first year is the same and then 7 human years for every one dog year)


UKPLUS: Which is your favourite season?

Pukka: I don’t like summer ‘cos it’s too hot in Osaka during the day for walks. I love the snow in winter, though! I like all seasons in some ways.


UKPLUS: How do you usually spend your day?

Pukka: Sleeping, eating, chasing balls and playing … and sleeping bit more


UKPLUS: Where do you go for walks?

Pukka: Anywhere, I love meeting people and other dogs and shouting, kon’nichi wan wan’ to each other. But I really like walking in the Japanese countryside, especially in the mountains.


UKPLUS: What do you like playing?

Pukka: Ball, catch, frisbee and chase.


UKPLUS: What sports do you like?

Pukka: Cricket is my favourite, but I like chasing ping-pong balls! And chasing cats and birds in the park!

フリスビー ボール 犬 イラスト


UKPLUS: Do you have any hobbies?

Pukka: Well, I love walking and sniffing things, but I also love cooking and karaoke. And I like swimming in the river.


UKPLUS: What other things do you like doing in your free time?

Pukka: Emptying people’s waste-paper bins over the floor when they are not looking


UKPLUS: What countries have you been to?

Pukka: I managed to see a bit of Egypt and other countries along the Nile from the ship, but I have spent most of my life in Japan!


UKPLUS: What kinds of books do you like reading?

Pukka: Travel and food books. And manga!


UKPLUS: Can you speak Japanese?

Pukka: Chotto dake!


UKPLUS: What are your favourite Japanese expressions?

Pukka: tsuumamigui (つまみ食い), chuto hampa (中途半端), bochi bochi (ぼちぼち), bimyo (微妙) and of course sanpo (散歩) !


UKPLUS: Do you like UKPLUS?

Pukka: Of course, I love UKPLUS!


UKPLUS: Who is your favourite teacher at UKPLUS?

Pukka: All of them 😉


UKPLUS: What are your favourite English words?

Pukka: ‘Please’, ‘thank you’ and ‘Pukka’


UKPLUS: Do you bark a lot?

Pukka: Yes, when I want to talk to my local buddies or play with them.


UKPLUS: How long can you keep standing on your back legs?

Pukka: A long time

Running-Excited-01 Pukka

UKPLUS: Why are you always smiling?

Pukka: Because I am a happy, happy boy!


Pukka マスコットイギリス英語学校 UKPLUS Osaka




UKPLUS Osakaの新しい仲間Pukkaをよろしくお願いします!






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