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TW’s Movie Review


A few weeks ago I went to the Cine Libra cinema in the Sky Building. The cinema shows films that are not often shown in the larger multi-screen cinemas around the city. Another important point for me is that the cinema is not particularly busy during the week.

The film that I went to see was “Nightcrawler”. Nightcrawler is apparently the name for freelance cameramen in Los Angeles, who drive around at night looking to film crime scenes and road accidents. They sell their film footage to various TV channels. The main character in the movie decides to become a Nightcrawler after overhearing how much money a TV company would pay for the film of a car accident. He proves to be disturbingly efficient at his new job.

The film works both as a criticism of TV news channels and as a thriller. The story is powerful, shocking atmospheric and tense. I enjoyed it very much. The only trouble is the main character is so creepy, I’m not sure I would like to watch it again.

Click here to see the official trailer for the movie!


Have you seen any good movies recently? Let us know about them!
