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OET success is a passport to a new life overseas in an increasing number of countries around the world.


And for medical professionals all around Japan, the Occupational English Test (OET) is becoming a popular choice to successfully achieve overseas work or study goals.


UKPLUS Osaka has been the only official OET Centre in Japan for over 7 years. The only place where you can take the paper test in this country. You can find the future test dates here.

UKPLUS Osakaは、日本で唯一のOET認定試験センターとして7年超、毎月試験を執り行っています。現在も、国内でペーパーの試験を受けられるのは、UKPLUS Osakaのみです。試験催行日程の確認はこちらから。

Over these 7 years, UKPLUS school has developed a deep knowledge of all aspects of the OET exam and what is required for success in each of the four sections.


Additionally, five UKPLUS Osaka teachers are currently active official Interlocutors for the OET Speaking Section Role-plays. Therefore, they all have first-hand knowledge and understanding of what happens during the speaking part of test.

UKPLUS Osakaの5人の講師が、OETの公式トレーニングを修了し、OETスピーキングテストで実際に受験者とのロールプレイを担当しています。スピーキングテストがどのように行われるのか、講師達はその経験から全てを知り尽くしています。

Your OET4U tutor will be one of these motivated teaching professionals.


From Summer 2022 we have a new course designed for Japan-based medical professionals: OET4U.


OET4U: 4 Options:4つのコース:

  1. 1 Full OET Mock Test (online or face-to-face)
  2. 2 Writing
  3. 3 Speaking
  4. 4 OET 4 U Premium (a combination of 1, 2 & 3)

1.OET模擬試験 (オンライン、対面どちらも可)



4.OET4U プレミアム - 上記1~3全てを網羅したプレミアムコース


OET コース 日本 大阪 英語

Option 1: OET Mock Test (At UKPLUS / Online)

OET Mock Test:

  • School – 18,150円
  • Online -19,800円

OET模擬試験 (UKPLUS Osakaにて対面受験/ オンライン受験)

試験料:18,150円 対面

試験料: 19,800円 オンライン

Taking a full mock test allows us to assess your English strengths and weaknesses related to each of the four sections of the test: Listening, Reading, Writing & Speaking.


You will receive full written feedback and counselling on your performance in each section, but with more emphasis on Writing and Speaking performance. Following the Speaking section, you have up to 15 minutes spoken feedback.


As part of this process, we will give you clear advice on how to move towards your English and OET  goals.


*the administration of the online Mock Test increases the cost by an extra  ¥1,500


Option 2: Writing Skills・OETライティング

Writing: 5 x OET Writing Task: ¥48,950 (¥44,500 + 10%)

OETライティング:ライティングタスク5回セット:¥44,500- (税込¥48,950-)

Learn how to structure an effective letter that meets the demands of the OET Exam task.


Your personal tutor has long experience of helping students develop English exam writing skills, including OET.


You will work through five OET Writing tasks and submit your work to your tutor.


After each task, you will receive feedback, guidance and advice on your letter before attempting the next of your five OET writing questions. In this way, you will continue to improve your letter-writing ability with each task.


For example, your tutor can help you to write meaningful paragraphs, identify the important elements of the case notes on which to base your letter or consider more carefully who you are writing to.


By completing this course, all professions (Nursing, Medicine, Dentistry, Physiotherapy) can develop an ability to write successful OET letters.

Option 3: Speaking Skills・OETスピーキング

Speaking: 5 x OET Speaking Test: ¥48,950 (¥44,500 + 10%)

OETスピーキング:スピーキングテスト5回セット:¥44,500- (税込¥48,950-)

You will take part in 10 OET roleplays (5 full speaking tests) with your OET tutor, a registered OET interlocutor.


Each role play is recorded and you will receive detailed written and spoken feedback, guidance and advice after each of the five tests. In addition to written feedback, you have up to 20 minutes at the end of each of the five tests for spoken feedback from your tutor.


Based on their deep understanding of the requirements of OET Speaking assessment, your tutor will help you to develop your Role-Play skills so that you can use your English to achieve your OET goals.


For example, you will learn how to

  • analyse and understand your role
  • act with the correct attitude
  • build better relationships with patients
  • understand each patient’s perspective
  • ask questions to learn essential information about the patient


- 自分の役を理解、分析する力

- 適切な態度で応対する力

- 患者とよりよい関係の築き方

- それぞれの患者の視点を理解する力

- 患者の重要な情報を的確に引き出せる質問の仕方

By completing this course of ten role plays, all professions (Nursing, Medicine, Dentistry, Physiotherapy etc) can develop an ability to perform effectively in any OET role play context.


Option 4: Mock Test, Writing & Speaking Skills

OET Premium: ¥104,500- (¥95,000- + 10%)


Sign up for options 1, 2 & 3 together and make a big saving.

1, 2と3の全てを受講するととってもお得な割引が受けられます。


* Mailのシステムの不具合

mailでのお問い合わせのお返事は可能な限り2日以内に返信しております そちらを過ぎても返事がないようであれば恐れ入りますが、再度本メールフォームまたはお電話でのご連絡をお願い致します。。(特にHotmail及びGmailの方)






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Sign up for all of the above and receive a 10% discount.


